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Fall 2006 | v.02 n.03| Posted: January 23, 2007  [ Click for PDF]

Art in the Age of Technological Seduction

This stunning edition of media-N Art in the Age of Technological Seduction is guest-edited by Legier Biederman and Joshua Callaghan. It delves into many critical aspects of new media art, exploring some of the most pertinent issues of today’s culture. Each text examines an issue with depth and clarity, broadening the horizons of debate, challenging assumptions and prompting further inquiry. Thank you, Legier and Joshua for bringing together this broad array of compelling articles. The edition also includes reviews and commentaries from recent national and international media arts festivals and conferences – thank you to all our contributors. Please check out the Call for Papers for information on the upcoming edition of media-N, Bits, Bytes and the Rhetoric of Practice: New Media Artist Statements, new deadline for submissions: March 20 2007. In this upcoming edition of media-N, we invite new media arts practitioners to submit personal artist statements and examples of their practice – we want to hear about you and your practice.

Rachel Clarke, Editor-in-Chief, Media-N

In recent years, digital technologies have penetrated our lives in innumerable ways. How do we begin to understand and critically engage with the complex effects of this deluge of information? These technologies not only changed our ways of doing things, but also profoundly conditioned our experience of ourselves and others. Have these shifts in technological processes of imaging, communication, information collection and dissemination enabled a break with established power structures and thus flattened hierarchies? Have they changed our ways of imagining and knowing? Or are they simply maintaining and re-enforcing existing hegemonic structures of power? The diverse essays, responses and anecdotes gathered here to address “Art in the Age of Technological Seduction” attempt to create a wedge in what is otherwise a shut door, to begin an ongoing and necessary discussion of our investments, desires, expectations and ambivalences within a world permeated by new technologies.
[>] Read full intro text in PDF format

Legier Biederman & Joshua Callaghan , Guest Editors


PAPERS [>] view PDF

[>] Alan Kay’s Universal Media Machine
Stephen Vitiello

[>] Art in the Age of Interactivity
Jill Miller

[>] The Remix Aesthetic
....Jamie O’ Neil

[>] X Notes on Practice: Stubborn
......Structures and Insistent Seepage
......in a Networked Wrld

....Raqs Media Collective

[>] Natalie Jeremijenko: Staging
......Environmental Visibility

Charles Zerner

[>] On the Geek As Humanist
....Claudia Hart

[>] Let me Tell you something:
.....Why I like Movies Better than Art

....Gordon Winiemko

[>] Sensorium: New Media
Complexities for Embodied
..... Experience

Caroline Jones

>] Re)sounding Fantasy and
.... Seeking Pleasure: Brad
.... Neely’s Hideously Fabulous
.... Wizard People, Dear Reader

Katie Brewer Ball
Katie Brewer Ball

[>] Instrumental Conceptions of
.... Images and the Globalized 'Everyday'
....Jane Chin Davidson

[>] The Myth of New Media
....Andrew McNamara

[>] Afterword: Artifice and Interactivity
....Donald Prezios

[>] view

....José Carlos Teixeira,
....Tirtza Even,
....Lida, Lucas Michaels,
....Warren Sack,
....Brett Stalbaum, Angie Waller,
....Jeffrey Wells, Damon Willick,
....Komninos Zervos

[>] view PDF

[>] Where Art Thou Net.Art?
Randall Packer

[>] SIGGRAPH 2006 Exhibition:
....Audiovisual Art

Dan Hermes

[>] Art in the Right Place:
....The Singapore Biennale 2006

....Matthew Slaats

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