Digital Trust Hike 2, 2012, Paul Taylor, documentation of a performance, © Paul Taylor
(Used with permission.)
Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Meredith Hoy & Dr. Kris Paulsen
Introduction (Part I): By Land, By Sea, By Air: The Physical Structures of Networked Art
Kris Paulsen
Signal Tracks
Nicole Starosielski
Wires, Walls and Wireless: Notes Toward an Investigation of Radio Architecture
John Harwood
Truckstops on the Information Superhighway: Ant Farm, SRI, and the Cloud
Tung-Hui Hu
Bomb-proofing the Digital Image: An Archaeology of Media Preservation Infrastructure
Brian Michael Murphy
I See the Moon, the Moon Sees Me: Trevor Paglen’s Satellite Images
Brooke Belisle
Solar Wind Harp: Exposing the Gap in the Map
David Fodel and George Millward
Introduction (Part II): Networked Bodies: Locative Practices and Mobility
Meredith Hoy
Dancing the Hardware: Rachid Ouramdane’s Embodied Performance
Ashley Ferro-Murray
Google Infrastructure and Geolocative Representation
Ned Prutzer
Omniscient Prosthetic Eyes: How Satellites are Changing Our Sense of Place
Billy Friebele
Digital Trust Hike
Paul Taylor
Move and Get Shot
Joana Moll
Urban Procedures: Small Pragmatics of Collective Space
Marie-Pier Boucher, PhD candidate
The Political Portrait in the Age of Protocol: Lincoln Schatz’s The Network
Michael Maizels
AR on AR: Future Museums Now – Augmented Reality Musings
Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
Modes of collaboration
Flavia Caviezel and Sabine Hagmann
Discussion Resumed from the Art2Make Exhibit
Carrie Ida Edinger