Art & Infrastructures: Information

Unknown Switchboard Operator, 1974, Benedictine University Archives, Benedictine University Library (CC BY-NC 2.0 licensed).

Unknown Switchboard Operator, 1974, Benedictine University Archives, Benedictine University Library (CC BY-NC 2.0 licensed).


Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief

Associate Professors Kevin Hamilton and Terri Weissman


Poeisis in Bali: Notes on Feedback
Judith Rodenbeck

Inhuman Vision
Orit Halpern

Packet Switching
Joelle Dietrick and Owen Mundy

Data Management Part III: An Artistic Framework for Understanding Technology without Technology
Kate Sicchio

Seeing the Sort: The Aesthetic and Industrial Defense of “The Algorithm”
Christian Sandvig

visually similar imgs
Rebecca Lieberman

Privacy Through Visibility: ScareMail as an Exploit in Computational Surveillance
Ben Grosser

Documentary Excess & Contaminated Fields: A Contextual Review of Shiloh Krupar’s Hot Spotter’s Report
Ryan Griffis

Counter-Infrastructures: Critical Empowerment and Emancipation in a Networked World
Daphne Dragona

Communication in the Wake of Snowden
Nicholas A. Knouf

Latina Narratives of Information Technologies: Towards a Critical Latina Technology Studies
Melissa Villa-Nicholas

Artist as Network: Out of time and into space with The Warhol:Timeweb
Miriam Kienle

Quantifiable Missions: The American Association of Museums’ Surveys and Their Effects
Meredith Goldsmith

The reVoltaire Archive, Slightly further than a million light-years away
Ileana L. Selejan


Roderick Coover in conversation with Pat Badani on “Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project” screened at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago
Pat Badani

“The Perpetration of the Cultural Act:” Interview with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Abigail Susik

“Broadway Augmented” – Augmented Reality as Virtual Public Art in Sacramento
Geoffrey Alan Rhodes