CAA Conference Edition, 2013

Vishtauroborg (version 2.6: Reaction), 2012, Doo Sung Yoo, robotic devices and cow tongues, ©

Vishtauroborg (version 2.6: Reaction), 2012, Doo Sung Yoo, robotic devices and cow tongues, ©



Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief




NMC SPONSORED PANEL: Art in the Age of High Security


Chairs: David Stout and Jenny Vogel

Surveillance and Bare Life in Contemporary New Media
David Schwarz (Panel Discussant)

How Does a Patriot Act?
Clark Stoeckley

Images for an Unknown Public
Jenny Vogel

Noise, Art and Weaponized Abstraction
David Stout

Building a More Perfect Drone
Nadav Assor


NMC SPONSORED PANEL: New Directions in Queer Theory and Art: Computation and the Non-human

Chair: Micha Cárdenas

Escaping the Face: Biometric Facial Recognition and the Facial Weaponization Suite
Zach Blas

Local Autonomy Networks: Post-Digital Networks, Post-Corporate Communications
Micha Cárdenas

SuperMammal™ Dissected : Towards a Phenomenology for a New Species
Pinar Yoldas

On Uncomputable Numbers: The Origins of a Queer Computing
Jacob Gaboury

Scramble Suits and Other Pos™ortem Disguises: Erasing the Human in Performance Capture Technologies
Alison Reed




NMC SPONSORED EVENT: Fourth Annual New Media Caucus Showcase & Reception

National Academy Museum & School, New York City.
Statements by the following NMC presenters:

Margaret Dolinsky, Belinda Haikes, Arthur Liou, James Morgan, Ed Osborn, Linda Post, Elia Vargas, Valentina Vella, and Doo-Sung Yoo.


Art and Virtual Environments
Margaret Dolinsky

Cite, Site, Sight
Belinda Haikes

Sacred Sojourn
Jawshing Arthur Liou

Ars Virtua
James Morgan

Artist Statement on Two Recent Works: “Standing Wave” and “Albedo Prospect”
Ed Osborn

Linda Post

Video and computer processing – Artist Statement
Elia Vargas

A Ride West
Valentina Vella

“Vishtauroborg:” Part Human, Part Animal, Part Machine
Doo Sung Yoo



Characters Bar, New York City
Statements by the following NMC presenters:

Meredith Drum, Meredith Hoy, Paul Johson, Carolyn Kane, Leslie Raymond, Nicolas Ruley, and Ellen Wetmore.


Somatic Shifts: Augmented Reality and the Corporal Body
Meredith Drum

Digital Sensing: Intersections of Sonification and Visualization in Media Arts
Meredith Hoy

The Turing Image
Paul Johnson, Independent Artist

From Blue Screen and Chromakey to the Alpha Channel and 2.0 Look, Dirt Style
Carolyn L. Kane

Sit Close to the Screen
Leslie Raymond

Twitter is the New Chance: Social Media Generated Text as Performance Art Material
Nicolas Shawn King Ruley

“Artbotics:” An Introduction to Creating Robotic Art
Ellen Wetmore