mrñ, 2007, robotic urban parasite from the series Parásitos Urbanos, by Gilberto Esparza. © Gilberto Esparza.
Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief
Mestizo Technology: Art, Design, and Technoscience in Latin America
Paula Gaetano Adi and Gustavo Crembil
Feminizing Oswald de Andrade’s “Manifesto Antropófago” and Vasconcelos’ Raza Cósmica: The Videos of Sonia Andrade and Pola Weiss
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda and Sarah Shamash
Travel Notes on Mestizaje and Technoscience
Tania Aedo
Ouroboric perception and the effects of enactive affective systems to the naturalization of technologies
Diana Domingues
Matter Made from Tradition
Eduardo Castillo
Decolonizing Ecologies of Time: Towards Speculative and Critical Design Practice in Latin America
Pedro J. S. Vieira de Oliveira and Luiza Prado de O. Martins
In Search of Transdisciplinary Models of Creation in Latin America: The Case of Escuelab
José-Carlos Mariátegui
SubalterNet: Networked Practices from Latin America in Response to the Internet
Heber Rodriguez
The Free/Open Source Software as Hybrid Concept: Considerations from a Colombian Activist Perspective
Luis Fernando Medina Cardona
Gaming Empire: Play and Change in Latin America and Latina Diasporas
Claudia Costa Pederson
Art, Technology, and Public Spaces: A Latin American Perspective
Victoria Messi
From/About Latin America: Local Poetic Imaginaries for the Development of the Argentinian New Media Art Field
Jazmín Adler
Rewind Italia edited by Stephen Partridge and Laura Leuzzi
Jon Blackwood
Where are we in art-science?
Jiayi Young
Constructing Social Reality: The Art of Networked Practice
Paul Hertz
Playing with Mobiles & Performing Mobility @MINA #2015: a Mobile Innovation Network Australasia (MINA) Symposium Review
Sharon Greenfield and Franziska Weidle
Shedding Images: Interview with Pascal Dufaux
Abigail Susik
The Leading Thread: Video, Media, Installation – A conversation with Federica Marangoni
Laura Leuzzi & Elaine Shemilt
Virtual Art, Anchored in Reality: A Conversation on Location-Based AR
Dejan Lukic and Seol Park