Research-Creation: Explorations

Le Temporium, 2014, autonomous machine for the continuous creation of Algaegraphies (detail.) Lia Giraud (SACRe / EnsadLab - PSL). Used with permission.

Le Temporium, 2014, autonomous machine for the continuous creation of Algaegraphies (detail.) Lia Giraud (SACRe / EnsadLab – PSL). Used with permission.


Pat Badani, Editor-in-Chief


Owen Chapman, Louis-Claude Paquin, Louise Poissant, Kim Sawchuk


Dialogue on Research-Creation
Marjolaine Béland and Louis-Claude Paquin

Towards Organogenesis: For an Instrumental Approach in Research in Art
Samuel Bianchini

“I really don’t think we are there any more”: A Conversation with Peter Sinclair
Owen Chapman

Grégory Chatonsky

Research Creation: A Scholarship of Creativity?
Hart Cohen

Mangling Methodologies Across Performance Research, Biological Arts and the Life Sciences
Tagny Duff

Mediations of Sensation: Designing Performative Sensory Environments
David Howes and Chris Salter

Research-Creation in Music as a Collaborative Space
Serge Lacasse and Sophie Stévance

On the Role of Experimentation in Art (and Science)
François-Joseph Lapointe

Toward a Process Seed Bank: What Research-Creation Can Do
Erin Manning and Brian Massumi

Research-Creation and Mode 2 Revisited: Thoughts on Knowledge Production in Artistic Practice
Chantal Provost

Making a Meal of It: Appending ‘Reporting’ to Research-Creation
David Szanto

Looping Research-Creation
Samuel Thulin

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Ontogenetic research-creation
Gisèle Trudel