Editorial Statement

Pat Badani

Editor-in-Chief, Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus

As part of our ongoing commitment to the examination and description of new media works along with their present theoretical frameworks, Media-N is dedicating its current edition to the challenge of “Tracing/New/Media/Feminisms.”

Stephanie Tripp, Guest Editor for the spring 2013 edition, maps out the topic by way of twelve international contributors, including: Faith Wilding; Morehshin Allahyari and Jennifer Way; Annina Rüst; Kim Sawchuk (Studio XX) and Stéphanie Lagueux (Matricules) in conversation with Media-N; Meighan Ellis; Colleen Keough; Eleanor Dare; and Laura Gemini and Federica Timeto in conversation with Lynn Hershman Leeson. These creative practitioners undertake their various approaches to feminism(s) from multiple theoretical positions as well as physical sites. Their viewpoints both converge and diverge in ways that reflect feminist growth through the past several decades, developing from a single movement into today’s wider range of practices and philosophies. Juliet Davis, Media-N’s supporting Associate Editor for this edition, has offered invaluable direction and guidance throughout the editorial process.

The journal’s REVIEWS/REPORTS and PAPERS section features a book review by Meredith Hoy on Joan Truckenbrod’s recent book “The Paradoxical Object.” In “Breaking Reality: Talking about Glitch,” Patrick Lichty interviews Jon Satrom about “glitching” media and about GLI.TC/H, a free and open “conference/festival/gathering.” Pat Badani reports on “La Casa Ida” a new media center in Lima, Peru, via a conversation with its director, Alvaro Pastor. Will Pappenheimer discusses the attributes of Augmented Reality as the ‘next medium’ in his essay “Critical Space.” In “Radical Togetherness. pervasiveFeminism,” Adam Trowbridge, Jessica Westbrook and Oskar Westbridge provocatively lay out ideas about their studio/research construct: Channel TWo (CH2.) Finally, Daniel Temkin’s essay “Brainfuck” offers an excellent examination of new work in software studies.